In order to get a Goethe certificate from us you have choose if you need to take the exam or you want it without the exam. If you need the Goethe German certificate with the exam you can book your test and make a deal with us with us before going to write. Since we are working and connected with Goethe Institute you can book the test where ever you want and when the test will be written we will help you to manipulate the result before the released date to give you what you want. You can also get the Goethe exam papers which contains questions and answers. With the exam papers you will write the exam without our help.
To get the Goethe certificate without taking part in the exam you need to contact us via Whatsapp or email and make a deal with us depending on the level that you need. You will provide your personal details and half payment of the initial amount so we can use it to secure and finance your work and the balance will be needed only when the genuine work will be done. We will registered your certificate and send it to your home or office address via DHL.
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Goethe certificate (Goethe Zertifikat) is awarded to German language course participants after successfully passing the exam. The document is proof of German language proficiency, which corresponds to a certain level on a 6-level scale. The exam is an alternative to DSH and TestDaF. Without it, it is impossible for migrants to enter Germany, Austria, or Switzerland, and employers will not hire them.
Goethe certificates
Getting a Goethe certificate is mostly about being able to study in German. The Goethe Institute offers courses where students can gain an insight into studying at a German university during the preparatory sessions according to their respective modules, but without receiving a certificate. Students who wish to obtain a certificate must subsequently take the entrance exam. The Goethe institute offers various types of examinations: standardised or not (B1 only), written or oral and the possibility of taking the exam in several languages. Most universities and language schools prefer this standardised examination (certified by DEKRA) because it usually yields higher scores than other types of examinations
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Do you require evidence of your German language skills that is recognised all over the world? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! We run German exams for all levels of ability, ranging from A1 to C2.
The certificate can be taken at any Goethe Institute worldwide. There are 12 institutes in Germany: Berlin, Bremen, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Hamburg, Munich, Schwäbisch Hall, Bonn, Goettingen and Mannheim. In addition, the exam can be obtained at any adult education center in Germany.
Have you wondered how to obtain your Goethe Certificate? All you need to do is take a series of four exams, each one focusing on a specific section of the language. There are two language proficiency exams: one written and one oral. The other two exams include a literature test, which evaluates your knowledge of German poetry, drama and prose; and a culture test, which tests your knowledge of German history and geography.
The Goethe-Zertifikat A1 and all other higher-level certificates (A2 to C2) provide suitable evidence of the language skills required for permission to be granted to join your husband or wife in Germany.
More than 230,000 satisfied customers a year thanks to the Goethe-Institut’s certificates being accepted around the world as valid evidence of an individual’s language skills.
This test gives you an initial idea about your written and oral text comprehension as well as your grammar and vocabulary knowledge in German.
We provide practice materials and sample exams for all our German exams. These are fully accessible and therefore suitable for people with disabilities.
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WhatsApp: +44 2045 710087
WhatsApp: +1 332 258 7330
Get your ÖSD certificate
Taking exams
Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch (ÖSD) is a state-approved testing and assessment system for German as a foreign and second language. ÖSD exams have a communicative approach, assessing the linguistic and communicative ability of candidates within everyday situations. ÖSD exams align with international standards and are internationally recognized as proof of language competence in German. They are also independent of German language courses and are carried out and assessed according to unified standards. ÖSD also offers special exams specifically for migrants in Austria. For more information visit the official ÖSD website:
Goethe Exams can help you to get your Original German ÖSD certificate online without exam but if you want to take the exam with our help you will book your slot and write meanwhile we shall then help you to change the scores later on to what you need before the results released date and one will ever find out since we have agents working at the various ÖSD, Goethe, Telc, DSH, TestDAF, DSD, Testas, DTZ exam centres around the world. You can still buy the real ÖSD questions and answers to write the exam by yourself and you will be 100% guarantee of getting more than your desire scores in the exams
- ÖSD certificates are internationally recognized.
- ÖSD certificates are independent from language courses, allowing you to take the exam without having to attend a full language course.
- ÖSD exams have a communicative approach, predominantly assessing the linguistic and communicative ability of candidates in real-life situations.
- ÖSD exams are a preparation for the linguistic reality in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. The language differences of these German-speaking countries are considered equal and are incorporated into each exam.
- ÖSD exams are conducted and assessed according to unified standards.
- ÖSD offers 16 different exams on the 6 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1–C2). Every year more than 100,000 candidates take an ÖSD exam in one of approximately 400 licenced exam centres worldwide.
Internationally recognized German language exams and certificates for children, young learners and adults
ÖSD exams
The ÖSD provides a wide range of internationally recognized exams that are accepted worldwide by universities, employers, professional bodies and governments. The exams are based on the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), starting at A1 for beginners through to C2 for professional language skills at the highest level.
TestAS is a central standardised scholastic aptitude test which measures intellectual abilities particularly important for university studies. TestAS is intended for international study applicants planning to do undergraduate studies at German universities.
What are the benefits of TestAS?
Test takers get to know the typical requirements of the subject they want to study.
The TestAS result enables applicants to realistically assess their chances of successfully completing their studies at a German university.
The university can select the candidates who best fulfil the requirements for a subject
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